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Sir, Please Let me Know How is the Greater Kolkata College Of Engineering & Management...what is the placement Record in COMPUter Sc. And Engg.??Fee structure??FAculties?As well as Infrastructure details as it is not clear from its official website?OK..

I have lost my registration card I have done a GD and I have gone to wbut head office they have said that that GD is not vailid because it have being bought 1year later this is not valid but when I went to the Police station they are saying that this is a valid GD and they are not making a new GD WHAT should I do next please help

I have lost my registration card I have done a GD and I have gone to wbut head office they have said that that GD is not vailid because it have being bought 1year later this is not valid but when I went to the Police station they are saying that this is a valid GD and they are not making a new GD WHAT should I do next please help

I have lost my registration card I have done a GD and I have gone to wbut head office they have said that that GD is not vailid because it have being bought 1year later this is not valid but when I went to the Police station they are saying that this is a valid GD and they are not making a new GD WHAT should I do next please help

Actually, I want a colour print-out..of WBJEE 2015 Admit Card..but there is being shown" Technical Problem" in ..please help me to get that My WBJEE Application No.-5031283..My D.O.B=03/03/1998..Please