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if someone get 4 suppli in 1st Year 1st Semester......& no suppli in 2nd sem.... Year lag hote pare??? what is the rule????????? PLZ REPLY

I hv got 5.2 in my result with suppli in 2 subjects..will i face any problem in campusing and what should i get per sgpa to avoid any problem in future.....

I hv got 5.2 in my result with suppli in 2 subjects..will i face any problem in campusing and what should i get per sgpa to avoid any problem in future.....

What wiil be the best wbut books should i have to read in 4th semester, CSE???? plz... refer me... it's urgent...

What wiil be the best wbut books should i have to read in 4th semester, CSE???? plz... refer me... it's urgent...