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When will the Rechecked Results of 1st Semester i.e. December 2012 be declared ?

I am a wbjee candidate...I am counselling and today is the last date..Studying IT at GCECT(gov college of engineering and ceramic technology)or studying CSE in tfw category..Which oe is worth more??

Can any1 tell me how is d automata papr getting checked in wbut 4th sem?.. bcoz, dere many questns were either wrong or out of r we gttng full mrks for dose questions?..and hw r d arkitektr and cmmunikatn and cdng theory papr gttng chked?.. and, bsids, is dere any new rule of year lag??..and, r prt mrks gven for evry steps?...plzzz rply soon..i m tensed?? "

I am a candidate of wbjeeb counselling.I came to know that while reporting to the reporting centers after 1st round seat allotment I have to submit a medical certificate certifying that I'm totally fit to sustain the four year B.Tech course.My question is from whom can I get such kind of medical certificate?Is this necessary and sufficient to have the certificate from a M.B.B.S. general physician?

Can any1 tell me how is d automata papr getting checked in wbut 4th sem?.. bcoz, dere many questns were either wrong or out of r we gttng full mrks for dose questions?..and hw r d arkitektr and cmmunikatn and cdng theory papr gttng chked?.. and, bsids, is dere any new rule of year lag??..and, r prt mrks gven for evry steps?...plzzz rply soon..i m tensed?? "